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The Staff

Our exceptional, friendly staff is our greatest asset. They are excited about what they do and they care personally about getting the best results for our patients.

Our receptionists will try to accommodate your busy schedule by finding appointments that suit your needs.

jun GSP UID 8ed5cb59 6de4 44f5 bce9 44cb4e23d87c
Owner, Licensed Optician
Jun has been a New York Licensed Optician for over 20 years and is a Licensed Optometrist in the Philippines. His background in Optometry and Opticianry makes him unique in dealing with most of his patients. He is an expert in lab work and on the latest technology in equipment,...
earl GSP UID 8ed96560 dcbe 42f7 bd84 52665a257ca3
Ophthalmic Technician
Earl Fernandez is one of our Lab Technicians who has learned greatly from his Dad in running the practice and the Optical Lab....